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tanah rupert bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tanah rupert"
  • As a colonial governor, Rupert shaped the political geography of modern Canada—Rupert's Land was named in his honour, and he was a founder of the Hudson's Bay Company.
    Sebagai gubernur kolonial, Rupert membentuk geografi politik Kanada modern - Tanah Rupert dinamai darinya.
  • Britain ceded all of Rupert's Land south of the 49th parallel and east of the Continental Divide, including all of the Red River Colony south of that latitude, while the United States ceded the northernmost edge of the Missouri Territory north of the 49th parallel.
    Inggris menyerahkan semua Tanah Rupert yang termasuk ke 49th parallel north dan Pembagi Benua Amerika wilayah timur, termasuk semua dari Red River Colony lintang selatan, sementara Amerika Serikat menyerahkan bagian paling utara Teritori Missouri 49th parallel north.